The stress most of us are facing currently is at an all-time high. The demand for mental health counseling is far greater than the community can provide. The reasons for this increase and current levels of stress is multifactorial. Technology is certainly facilitating faster communication but that comes with a high cost of disconnection, distraction and more exposure to electromagnetic fields which can impact cellular energy. The psychological stress from Covid with fear and separation has also contributed to less human interaction which is a basic human need.
Unfortunately, we are all witness to the chaos which I believe is a manifestation of all of these factors on our roadways. It is quite alarming how frenetic this energy is and also quite dangerous. It feels as if there is less patience and grace in general when operating a motor vehicle.
In order to balance this out we need to have tools to help us cope with all of this so that we can maintain our health and stay grounded. One of my favorite things to do is to work in the garden or walk in the grass barefoot to allow the powerful effect of the earth’s electromagnetic frequency which is quite healing to the body. It only takes 30 minutes a day to see some of the benefits. If you would like to learn more there is a good book called “Earthing, The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?” (by Clinton Ober et. al.) that explains how this can help to heal and “ground” us.
Another important habit to develop is to reduce our overall screen time including phones, computers, TV, Kindle and all electronics. This is especially important for sleep. Try “unplugging” at least 2 hours before bedtime and do not bring any of those things into the bedroom. Even the LED and blue light from electronic alarm clocks can negatively impact our sleep. You can also set limits on screen time and parameters when you are available on our phones. Try to leave your phone at home more and go out into the world “phoneless”. There is an actual new word in Webster’s Dictionary called Nomophobia which is defined as: fear of being without access to a working cell phone.
Reconnecting with family and friends through social gathering is also important to “feed” this basic human need. And make sure and leave the phones on do not disturb so that you have more concentrated time for connection with those in your presence. This will take practice for all of us but start with small steps and then as you gain confidence continue by adding on more of these suggestions.
Movement and physical exercise is also another important factor in self-care. Start by doing something you enjoy such as walking the dog or swimming and commit to doing it 5 days per week. Group classes/activities are a way to create commitment and have been shown to increase compliance to a particular physical activity. It could be as simple as getting a neighbor to walk with you in the evenings after work - and don’t forget to leave your phone at home. In this busy distracted world it is more important than ever for our mind, bodies, and spirit to practice self-care. And have some fun doing it!
-Dr. Logan