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Solidago - 100ml


This formula aids chronic bladder and kidney conditions. It stimulates diuresis and excretion of matter usually eliminated with urine; stops cramps of the urinary passages; and protects the epithelium coating and prevents the formation of concrements.*



Urethritis, cystitis, pyelitis, urine retention, also with prostate involvement. To be given in all acute or chronic kidney symptoms*

Stimulates diuresis and excretion of matter usually eliminated with urine, stops cramps and burning of urinary passages, anti-inflammatory, protects the epithelium and prevents the formation of solid particles or stones*


Suggested Use:
Adults 40 drops in 8 ounces of pure water three times daily between meals. For severe symptoms, 40 drops four to five times daily (use bottled or filtered water, not distilled). After improvement, reduce to three times daily. Can also be added to tepid Horsetail Tea.*
Children 1/2 or less of the adult amounts*


Solidago virgaurea 1x Regional pain in kidneys and bladder*


Herniaria glabra 1x Burning in the urethra, frequent urination.*
Uva-ursi 1x Cystitis and discharge.*
Pareira brava 3x Renal colic, prostatic affections and catarrh of the bladder, constant urging.*
Sabal serrulata 1x Irritation of the genito-urinary organs, enuresis, prostatic hypertrophy.*
Populus tremuloides 2x Pain behind the pubis at the end of
urination, urine contains mucus and pus*
Staphysagria 3x Pressure upon bladder, feels as if it did not empty, burning in urethra during urination.
Cantharis 4x Nephritis with bloody urine, constant desire to urinate.*
Terebinthina 6x Urethritis, inflamed kidneys following any acute disease.*
Borax 8x Urine with pungent smell, albuminuria.*



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